TRAIN the TRAINER Workshop
Carrie-Lynn Hotson CHRL
HR Specialist-Facilitator-Author
Before you ask someone to TRAIN a new staff member- let's teach them HOW to effectively utilize
teaching techniques to ensure success
Dynamic Discussions & Practical Applications
Includes Workbook and Training Materials
Autographed Copy of my BOOK!
Why Organizations Need to Train Their Trainers
Blog Article
by Carrie-Lynn Hotson
Does this sound familiar? A vacancy suddenly becomes open and there is mad scrabble to fill it. Job postings are run, interviews are held, and suddenly a new employee is chosen to "join the ranks of the organization". But wait... WHO's training them? The supervisor quickly looks over the work schedule and identifies someone who "isn't on holidays" and volun-tells them "Hey you are going to be training the new guy on Monday".
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